Instructor Criteria
Any Faculty Member approved by the Trustees of the North Carolina Builder Institute may teach an NCBI course, HOWEVER, in order to teach an approved NCBI Continuing Education Course you must also meet the following criteria:
- You must attend and be approved by the NCLBGC to teach their Mandatory Course each year.
- You must be able to teach both an NCBI 2-hour and 4-hour elective course.
- You must provide all personal and course information required by the NCLBGC (NCBI Instructor Information Form and Course Approval Form), as applicable.
- You MAY NOT promote yourself, your business, product or services either verbally or on course handouts during instructional course hours.
- You must maintain and update your course content each year, as necessary, and submit any changes by the required date for approval by the NCLBGC (see NCBI Course Approval Guidelines)
Course Approval Guidelines
Subject Tracks
Building Technology | Customer Service | Leadership |
Business Management | Design | Project Management |
Computer Technology | Diversification | Sales & Marketing |
Course Format
- 2-hour or 4-hour courses delivered as single instructor (co-instructors may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
- Detailed student course materials, which NCBI will print or email, are required for all courses.
- Format should be based on the principles of adult learning and the presentation should reflect the goals of the learning objectives. Objectives should be attainable in the allotted time frame.
- See Course Approval Form for additional submission questions, format, etc.
Selection Criteria
- Quality and originality of content
- Extent to which subject matter promotes professional growth
- Relevance of topic to the target audience
- Creativity of presentation format in stimulating audience interaction and enhancing learning
- Professional experience, regional diversity, and public speaking abilities of the Instructor(s)
Note: Courses designed to promote products, services or instructors are strictly forbidden and will not be considered