Project Description

DV303 - Commercial Construction

4 hours

Diversifying into different related businesses can sometimes be of benefit to the residential home builder. Commercial construction could be a good diversity match for the contractor ready to take their company to the next level. This course will examine how a residential builder might incorporate commercial construction into their existing business. Organization of the company, skills needed, subcontractor base, pricing, and marketing of the business are just a few of the details that will be discussed.

DV304 - Land Development: Market Analysis to Procurement

4 hours

Developing a parcel of land is much more involved than "just doing it". Development is more than just purchasing the land, building roads and creating lots. Market Analysis, Windshield Analysis, Due Diligence, Procurement, and more will all be examined in this class to provide students an in-depth look and the tools needed to get started with a development project in their community and beyond. Learn how to NOT make common mistakes that others have made by doing your homework first.

DV305 - Land Development: Land Planning & Entitlement

4 hours

After procuring or tying up a parcel of land for intended land development there are multiple tasks involved from taking the raw land to a completed development. Land Planning is just one facet of the tasks or stages that include financial analysis, physical analysis, government and regulatory entitlement, and operational activities. Students will learn how to approach land development in a systematic overview approach from raw land to completed development.

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By attending NCBI classes you will not only gain valuable information to further your business, but you will also have the opportunity to meet and network with other industry professionals experiencing the same challenges in today’s marketplace.
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